Steam freedom planet 2
Steam freedom planet 2

They kind of drag on in spots and more often than not I just wanted to see whatever boss or miniboss was waiting around the corner. Literally the only issue I had with FP1 was the length of the stages. As in, people tend to overrate the hell out of it because it was on an obscure system and most people didn't play it until later on). It's definitely better than the DIMPS stuff (Advance trilogy and, I'm sorry to say, even Sonic Pocket Adventure which kind of suffers from the same issue as Sonic CD. Sonic 2 is one of my favorite games of all time, and I've played it enough to consistently finish it with all the emeralds without even dying once. Had a game like Freedom Planet came out around the same time or even a few years after, it probably would've been the better game even if it had to be dumbed down a bit in order to fit on a SNES or Genesis cartridge. I adore SMB 1-3 but found World to be incredibly underwhelming when I revisited it a few weeks ago. What I'm hearing is-it's possible for a fan-made spin-off game to exceed the original? Perhaps we could call this the Portal phenomenon? Portal began as a fan-made outgrowth of Half-Life 1 but became its own thing-and, as far as I'm concerned, a much better thing than Half-Life 1 was (for me, Half-Life hasn't aged well). While the formula is different I can see where you're coming from if we're talking about how the platforming feels compared to Mario.

steam freedom planet 2

I intend to do the same for the second game. I've clocked in so many hours replaying the first game and I double dipped when the Switch version dropped. Originally posted by GuyroMaster:It's a matter of opinion for sure. So like.those who discover Freedom Planet.get to enjoy it and can be surprised it came out the same year as Shovel Knight.a month apart. Honestly the thing I hate most is how Shovel Knight stole the spotlight from Freedom Planet. But for Freedom gives the formula a fresh feeling and I always find another reason to come back to it and play it again. It was honestly too easy to really say it was just an experience and nothing more. This is gonna sound odd of me to say but I haven't even clocked in 100 hours for Mania. Freedom Planet began as a Sonic Fan Game and grew to something bigger. That said.Sonic is why Freedom Planet exists.

Steam freedom planet 2